Here you can test your internet speed online.Data Transfer speed by downloading speed also calculated and summarized according to your specifications .
Click here to Measure Your Internet Speed !
Book Works From Bill Gates !
There may be millions of books and articles about the success of this Software legend,Bill Gates.However,he himself wrote only a few books,Still they became the favorite book of many people around the globe.Here you can find the list of books he delivered and taglines for it,pressed from Microsoft Corp.
Watch Out The Books Of Bill Gates !
Watch Out The Books Of Bill Gates !
2010:World Trends @ Twitter!
Twitter became the most powerfull Social media by this year 2010.Website or blog without a Tweet Button cant even be eligible to hosting provisions itself as the growth of Twitter has been incredible.So that the #NewTwitter gotta great applause all over the world and increasing the number of tweets per day extends in billions.To the previous post Top Trends 2009 , hereby 2010 found some useful statements unleased by Twitter titled
" #Hindsight2010 " for its fans as follows..
Xplore Hot Treds @ Twitter 2010 !
" #Hindsight2010 " for its fans as follows..
Xplore Hot Treds @ Twitter 2010 !
2010:What The Whole World Looked For ?
When we look around the Christmas eve,we can see the Next Year at the leap,thereby some thoughts wave the memories of the whole year.At some extent,we think what others could looked over the year.By the way,the Internet Giant Google published a list titled 'Zeitgeist 2010' which gives you a complete info,What the Whole World Looked at 2010.
See What The Whole World Looked in 2010 !
See What The Whole World Looked in 2010 !
World Time at your Browser's Tab
Sometimes when we work on some shared Computers for Internet,thereby if we need to know the Local time,we cant believe the time in that Computer.So the way,Here a Link found useful for you to help Know the real time and date just through your Browser's another Tab.Also we can know the time of some other major cities all around the world.
#1 Know Time In India !
#2 Xplore World Time !
#1 Know Time In India !
#2 Xplore World Time !
Virtual Resume !!!
To The Previous Post "Online Resume " ,I found three more attributes to be valued.It will be perfect peer as the links are recommended by an article in Indian Express edex yesterday(06/12/2010).The Premium services also available at affordable prices in these sites.
#1 Free Node helps a lot !
#2 A Variety of Vision !
#1 Free Node helps a lot !
#2 A Variety of Vision !
Personal Productivity,
Learn Languages Online -LiveMocha!
Here i found a really awesome site for those who want to learn a new language online.In this site you can learn your desired language with with your native language or of what language you have been familiar with.Really helpfull at any level of the language you had wind up previously and having email updates.Moreover online chat assistance !
Click here to start learning your desired language !
Click here to start learning your desired language !
Blogging Art
25 Great Blogger Widgets
Here i found great widgets for your Blog,derived from Mashable,With in intention to enroll youself in social Media and of various catogories.
Click here to Move Ahead !
Click here to Move Ahead !
Google Logos - Doodle Archieves Since its Origin 1998 !
Google Homepage been attracted by millions of users worldwide for its simplicity but also for complicated users,the task with customized homepages been provided with igoogle.Since 1998 the google logo designed to be various criteria to make the users to be more enjoyable and informative with some social awareness and called as Doodle,Dennis Hwang as origin doodler.The below linked page have the All time doodles archieve,Compiled by Google Team.
#1 Click here to drive the Archieve !
#2 Click here to drive the history of Doodle !
#3 Click here know about Dennis Hwang,Native Doodler !
#1 Click here to drive the Archieve !
#2 Click here to drive the history of Doodle !
#3 Click here know about Dennis Hwang,Native Doodler !
Text Editor Online
Its very itchy to open up a text editor from our computer to note down some important,editor at another tab of our browser sounds cool.I found three links to be valued as follows,
#1 Click to peer simply.
#2 Account based document maintenance.
#3 Editor for your website.
#1 Click to peer simply.
#2 Account based document maintenance.
#3 Editor for your website.
Web Design
Sexy Under Construction Webpage Designs!
Here i present the links i found great to enroll youself if your webpage is under construcion and state the concern to the customer.
#1 Concepts with Goodies.
#2 Simple Images to proceed.
#3 Premium designs.
#1 Concepts with Goodies.
#2 Simple Images to proceed.
#3 Premium designs.
Blogging Art
Blogger Blogs To Note,Compiled by Blogger Team
In the below linked blog you can cross archives over millions of Interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the Blogger Team.
A bigger credit i found such that the blog has tons of archives update regular from January 2001.
Click to digg the archieve !
A bigger credit i found such that the blog has tons of archives update regular from January 2001.
Click to digg the archieve !
Web Design
Simple way to Check Cross Browser Compatibility for your Webpage !
While designing a webpage we often find faults with other browsers than what we use to preview the page at developement sector.This is because each browser ought to show the page with its native manner and also the resolution criteria has to be considered.
For this concern i searched web with some extent shots and found a worthy link for you.
Click to Xplore 7 ways of checking !
For this concern i searched web with some extent shots and found a worthy link for you.
Click to Xplore 7 ways of checking !
Top Twitter Trends - 2009
While we being happy with tweet of some worthy trending topics in twitter,we must consider what others goes off.So hereby the top trending topics in twitter been analysed by twitter and published in its official blog..
This will make us update the real trends over various fields in the world.
Click here to see trends in detail !!
Personal Productivity
A day with a Quote !!!
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away !" is an awesome quote.
But a more valuable thought ,
"A Quote for a day Keeps your Failure Away "
Click here to explore tones of Quotes !!
Student Jobs @ Google
A link valuable to enrich yourself at Google Inc. The motto itself makes much noise...
Do more.
Click here to go ahead |
Do more.
A lot more.
Click here to go ahead |
Attention Firefox Lovers !!
A web app which i found value to spread firefox's value and as a firefox lover, you can
contribute a lot over there.
Click here to Spread !!!
contribute a lot over there.
Click here to Spread !!!
Create a twitter background using Power Point
Here you can find a short tutorial to create Twitter background using Power Point !!! Really simple and amazing !!!
Click here to Know the trick !!!
Click here to Know the trick !!!
Online Resume
Here you can create your career resume online...And can find all the tools, templates, and support you need to write professional resumes and cover letters, ace tough interviews, and secure a great job.
Click here to build your own resume !!
Link 2
Click here to build your own resume !!
Link 2
Blogging Art
Great plugins for Blogger
Here you can find out the most important and updated plugins really useful for bloggers.
click here to Xplore!
click here to Xplore!
Blogging Art
Fine Blogger Designs
Here you can find some cool themes for blogger blogs.I pluck a theme from this too make use of it.
Click here to Go !
Click here to Go !
.Net Framework
.Net Components for Mobility
Recently while im xplorin c# with Bluetooth,i foung some components really valid and used world wide.
You too can use them for your .net apps.
Click here to Xplore .Net Mobility !
You too can use them for your .net apps.
Click here to Xplore .Net Mobility !
Web Analytics in Real Time -"Clicky"
Clicky is nice web analytics System for your website.The best thing i found with it is that Clicky is associated with giant free Website provider,
Click here to Get Clicky Analytics
Click here to Get Clicky Analytics
Tips to load your blog faster
Here you can find some ways to improve the loading speed of your blog driven by Blogger.
Click Here To Increase Blog Speed
Click Here To Increase Blog Speed
Wolfram Alpha -Techno Research Engine
Wolfram Alpha, an online computational knowledge engine accessing trillions of pieces of curated data and millions of lines of algorithms.
Gmail introduces “Priority Inbox”
Priority Inbox automatically identifies your important email and separates it out from everything else, so you can focus on what really matters.This feature make us ease to find out automatically important mails among our millions of newsletter subscriptions and others.It simply points out the importance with our preferences too!.The service will commence shortly !
Click here to go Priority Inbox
Click here to go Priority Inbox
India Vision 2020 Missions !
Check out each mission links which seeds India 2020 derived by Dr.Abdul Kalam,
Blogging Art
Are you an Indian Blogger ? If so,Take pride of it !
If you are an indian blogger then think great of it.Get through A place where most trendy bloggers from india meet,share,discuss their blogging strategies and experience via IndiBlogger.
Click here to Go and Join IndiBlogger
Click here to Go and Join IndiBlogger
Tips to remove the Blogger's Navbar !
Herre you can simply guided to remove the navbar coming along with the google blogger blogs.Its really interseting while workin core with HTML.I dont think fine with the google's terms and usage policies associated with this tuts,but it is really amazing!
Click here to go tuts !
Click here to go tuts !
Create Your Own Web Browser with C# in Just 3 Steps !
All you need for this project is visual C# which is available free download as Visual Studio Express Edition from Microsoft,Click here to download.No experience and C# Knowledge is required,only task that you must know is "How to Drag and Drop".Thats it !
Lets Go !
To create a New Project,Go Through Menubar : File-->New Project.Then Choose Windows Forms Application and name it as whatever you want to apply for your web browser .
STEP 1: Drag the Web Browser Component From ToolBox !
STEP2: Drag a Textbox and Button To Form & Place As Shown !
Rename the Button to "Go" in the 'Text' property of the properties window(To do that just select the button and press F4)
STEP 3:Double Click The Button And Add The Following Code !
The code area will looks like this !
For Further Queries and adding advance functions,Just Mail
Lets Go !
To create a New Project,Go Through Menubar : File-->New Project.Then Choose Windows Forms Application and name it as whatever you want to apply for your web browser .
STEP 1: Drag the Web Browser Component From ToolBox !
STEP2: Drag a Textbox and Button To Form & Place As Shown !
Rename the Button to "Go" in the 'Text' property of the properties window(To do that just select the button and press F4)
Now the form just looks like this !
STEP 3:Double Click The Button And Add The Following Code !
The code area will looks like this !
Thats it ! All done.Just press F5 to Run your webbrowser application and explore the web !
For Further Queries and adding advance functions,Just Mail
C sharp - Name Reason !
The name "C sharp" was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates that the written note should be made a half-step higher in pitch. This is similar to the language name of C++, where "++" indicates that a variable should be incremented by 1. Anders Hejlsberg,leading developer of the language has a passion with music wich results in the name's success
By coincidence, the sharp symbol resembles four conjoined plus signs. This reiterates Rick Mascitti's tongue-in-cheek use of '++' when naming 'C++': where C was enhanced to create C++, C++ was enhanced to create C++++ (that is, C#).
Due to technical limitations of display (standard fonts, browsers, etc.) and the fact that the sharp symbol (?, U+266F, MUSIC SHARP SIGN) is not present on the standard keyboard, the number sign (#, U+0023, NUMBER SIGN) was chosen to represent the sharp symbol in the written name of the programming language.Microsoft uses the intended musical symbol.
The "sharp" suffix has been used by a number of other .NET languages that are variants of existing languages, including J# (a .NET language also designed by Microsoft which is derived from Java 1.1), A# (from Ada), and the functional F#. The original implementation of Eiffel for .NET was called Eiffel#, a name since retired since the full Eiffel language is now supported. The suffix has also been used for libraries, such as Gtk# (a .NET wrapper for GTK+ and other GNOME libraries), Cocoa# (a wrapper for Cocoa) and Qt# (a .NET language binding for the Qt toolkit).
By coincidence, the sharp symbol resembles four conjoined plus signs. This reiterates Rick Mascitti's tongue-in-cheek use of '++' when naming 'C++': where C was enhanced to create C++, C++ was enhanced to create C++++ (that is, C#).
Due to technical limitations of display (standard fonts, browsers, etc.) and the fact that the sharp symbol (?, U+266F, MUSIC SHARP SIGN) is not present on the standard keyboard, the number sign (#, U+0023, NUMBER SIGN) was chosen to represent the sharp symbol in the written name of the programming language.Microsoft uses the intended musical symbol.
The "sharp" suffix has been used by a number of other .NET languages that are variants of existing languages, including J# (a .NET language also designed by Microsoft which is derived from Java 1.1), A# (from Ada), and the functional F#. The original implementation of Eiffel for .NET was called Eiffel#, a name since retired since the full Eiffel language is now supported. The suffix has also been used for libraries, such as Gtk# (a .NET wrapper for GTK+ and other GNOME libraries), Cocoa# (a wrapper for Cocoa) and Qt# (a .NET language binding for the Qt toolkit).
Create Your Own Cross Runtime Twitter desktop widget !
Here U Can Hav A Short Tutorial To Create Your Own Cross Runtime Twitter desktop widget !
Click here to go !
Click here to go !
Java & C Sharp-Features Comparision
Data types | Java | C# |
Single-root (unified) type system | No | Yes |
Signed integers | Yes; 8, 16, 32, 64 bits | Yes; 8, 16, 32, 64 bits |
Unsigned integers | No | Yes; 8, 16, 32, 64 bits |
Character | Yes | Yes |
Date/time | Yes; reference type | Yes; value type |
IEEE 754 binary32 floating point number | Yes | Yes |
IEEE 754 binary64 floating point number | Yes | Yes |
High precision floating point number | No; but see Arbitrary size decimals | 128-bit (28 digits) Decimal type |
Boolean type | Yes | Yes |
Strings | Immutable reference type, Unicode | Immutable reference type, Unicode |
Arbitrary size integers | Reference type; no operators | Yes |
Arbitrary size decimals | Reference type; no operators | No |
Complex numbers | No | Yes |
Reference types | Yes | Yes |
Arrays | Yes | Yes |
Value types | No; only primitive types | Yes |
Enumerated types | Yes; reference type | Yes; scalar |
Lifted (nullable) types | No; but wrapper types | Yes |
Tuples | No | Yes |
Pointers | No | Yes |
Reference types | Java | C# |
Garbage collection | Yes | Yes |
Weak references | Yes | Yes |
Soft references | Yes | No |
Proxy support | Yes; proxy generation | Yes; object contexts |
Object initialization | Bottom-up (fields and constructors) | Top-down (fields); bottom-up (constructors) |
Object orientation | Java | C# |
Classes | Yes | Yes |
Interfaces | Yes | Yes |
Abstract classes | Yes | Yes |
Member accessibility levels | Public, package, private, protected | Public, protected, internal, protected internal, private |
Class level inner classes | Yes | Yes |
Instance level inner classes | Yes | No |
Partial classes | No | Yes |
Deprecation/obsolescence | Yes | Yes |
Overload versioning | Some | Yes |
Properties | No | Yes |
Events | No | Yes |
Operators (operator overloading) | No | Yes |
Indexers | No | Yes |
Implicit conversions | No | Yes |
Explicit conversions | No | Yes |
Fields and initialization | Java | C# |
Fields | Yes | Yes |
Constants | Yes | Yes |
Static (class) constructors | Yes | Yes |
Instance constructors | Yes | Yes |
Finalizers/destructors | Yes | Yes |
Instance initializers | Yes | No |
Hierarchy initialization | Top-bottom, lexical order | Top-bottom-top, lexical order |
Object initializers | No | Yes |
Collection initializers | No; can be modelled | Yes |
Array initializers | Yes | Yes |
Methods and properties | Java | C# |
Virtual | Virtual by default | Non-virtual by default |
Abstract | Yes | Yes |
Sealing | Yes | Yes |
Explicit interface implementation | No | Yes |
Value (input) parameters | Yes | Yes |
Reference (input/output) parameters | No | Yes |
Output (output) parameters | No | Yes |
Variadic methods | Yes | Yes |
Optional arguments | No | Yes |
Named arguments | No | Yes |
Generator methods | No | Yes |
Extension methods | No | Yes |
Conditional methods | No | Yes |
Partial methods | No | Yes |
Generics | Java | C# |
Reified generics | No | Yes |
Co-variance | Yes | Yes |
Contra-variance | Yes | Yes |
Reference type constraint | Yes; implicit | Yes |
Value/primitive type constraint | No | Yes |
Constructor constraint | No | Yes |
Relation constraint | Yes | Yes |
Primitive/value type support | No | Yes |
Migration compatibility | Yes | No |
Functional programming | Java | C# |
Delegates/method references | No | Yes |
Closures/lambdas | No; some use cases covered by anonymous inner classes | Yes |
Expression trees | No | Yes |
Query expressions | No | Yes |
Runtime (dynamic) binding | Java | C# |
Late-bound (dynamic) type | No | Yes |
Runtime type information and manipulation | Java | C# |
Runtime type information | Yes; but with type erasure | Yes |
Runtime generics realization | No | Yes |
Runtime type construction | No; third party tools exist | Yes |
Statements | Java | C# |
Loops | Yes | Yes |
Conditionals | Yes | Yes |
Flow control | Yes | Yes |
Assignment | Yes | Yes |
Exception control | Yes | Yes |
Variable declaration | Yes | Yes |
Variable type inference | No | Yes |
Deterministic disposal (ARM-blocks) | No | Yes |
Expressions and operators | Java | C# |
Arithmetic operators | Yes | Yes |
Logical operators | Yes | Yes |
Bitwise logic operators | Yes | Yes |
Conditional | Yes | Yes |
String concatenation | Yes | Yes |
Casts | Yes | Yes |
Boxing | Yes; implicit | Yes; implicit |
Unboxing | Yes; implicit | Yes; explicit |
Lifted operators | No | Yes |
Overflow control | No | Yes |
Strict floating point evaluation | Yes; opt-in/out | No |
Local classes | Yes | No |
Ad-hoc (anonymous) classes | No | Yes |
Verbatim (here-)strings | No | Yes |
Exceptions | Java | C# |
Checked exceptions | Yes | No |
Try-catch-finally | Yes | Yes |
Arrays and collections | Java | C# |
One-dimensional, zero-based index arrays | Yes | Yes |
Rectangular (multidimensional) arrays | No | Yes |
Jagged (arrays of arrays) arrays | Yes | Yes |
Non-zero based arrays | No | Some |
Unified arrays and collections | No | Yes |
Maps/dictionaries | Yes | Yes |
Sets | Yes | Yes |
Lists/vectors | Yes | Yes |
Maps | Yes | Yes |
Queues/stacks | Yes | Yes |
Bags/multisets | Yes | Yes |
Metadata | Java | C# |
Metadata annotations/attributes | Interface based | Class based |
Positional arguments | No; unless a single argument | Yes |
Named arguments | Yes | Yes |
Default values | At definition | Through initialization |
Nested types | Yes | Yes |
Specialization | No | Yes |
Conditional metadata | No | Yes |
Preprocessing, compilation and packaging | Java | C# |
Namespaces | Packages | Namespaces |
Packaging | Package | Assembly |
File contents | Restricted | Free |
Conditional compilation | No | Yes |
Custom errors/warnings | No | Yes |
Explicit regions | No | Yes |
Threading and synchronization | Java | C# |
Native interoperability | Java | C# |
External/native methods | Yes | Yes |
Marshalling | External glue code required | Yes; metadata controlled |
Pointers and arithmetics | No | Yes |
Native types | No | Yes |
Fixed size buffers | No | Yes |
Explicit stack allocation | No | Yes |
Address pinning (fixing) | No | Yes |
Address-of | No | Yes |
Object pinning (fix variable to address) | No | Yes |
Source:wikipedia |
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